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Mandatory masking for staff, patients and visitors in patient-facing areas of our hospitals and community-based programs will be reinstated on September 3rd, 2024, in advance of the respiratory illness season and will continue until spring 2025.

Please wear a mask in emergency departments, clinics, waiting rooms, diagnostic imaging, and inpatient units (including when visiting patients in their rooms). Please adhere to this masking requirement to help protect our vulnerable patients.

Staff, patients, and loved ones do not need to mask in non-patient care areas (e.g. offices, hallways, washrooms, lobbies, cafeterias, meeting rooms). Please consider your vulnerabilities and level of comfort when deciding whether or not to mask in these common areas. Your decision to continue masking will be supported and respected.

If you have symptoms of illness, please put on a mask at the hospital entrance and leave it on.

Please Do Not visit patients if you have any symptoms of illness.

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