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Bob Forder, Quinte Health Board Member, delivered the following Values in Action Award presentation at the Board of Directors meeting on June 25, 2024:

“At the beginning of each meeting of the Quinte Health Board of Directors, we shine a well-deserved spotlight on the great work of a team, or a team member, who brings our Quinte Health values to life—Imagine it’s you, Value everyone, We all make a difference, and Stronger together. Today, we are pleased to honour the wonderful Wendy Warner, Executive Director of Trenton Memorial Hospital Foundation, who recently announced her plans to retire in November.

Wendy has served as a fiercely passionate and dedicated advocate for Trenton Memorial Hospital over the past 20 years. Some of her professional achievements include establishing the Docs by the Bay physician recruitment and retention program; developing the Kay Stafford Fund, which has helped dozens of individuals over the years; and organizing countless high-profile events and campaigns that served to promote and raise funds for our hard-working TMH teams and the services they provide.

With Wendy at the reins, the TMH Foundation raised more than $41 million dollars for medical equipment and new programs at TMH – including TMH’s first CT scanner and its replacement 10 years later, comprehensive breast screening, ophthalmology equipment for all regional cataract surgeries, and GreenLight laser therapy for urology.

Trenton Memorial Hospital Site Lead, Heather Leonard, who is also the manager of the Emergency Department and the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Response Program, has worked closely with Wendy over the years. She describes Wendy as a caring, engaging and compassionate advocate and says, “She has a light that shines out of her and draws people in, but she is also very strong and tenacious when she believes in something. I am in awe of her.”

Wendy’s incredible endeavours have not only built support for TMH but have encouraged the culture of philanthropy and community engagement in the Quinte West community.

“Wendy has fostered many significant relationships throughout her tenure as executive director,” said Stacey Daub, President and CEO of Quinte Health. “Just look at the very real friendships she established with Phil Panelas and John Smylie, whose monumental contributions to Trenton Memorial Hospital have been forever memorialized. Wendy has a gift of bringing people together for a cause. She lives and breathes the Quinte Health values, ‘Stronger together, and ‘We all make a difference. We will miss Wendy tremendously.”

We are certain that the Trenton Memorial Hospital Foundation is in excellent hands with Interim Executive Director Lindsay Butcher Dodds, and the TMHF team will continue to garner exceptional support for the hospital.

Wendy, the Board of Directors expresses our deepest gratitude to you. You have been an unyielding force throughout your career and we thank you for your incredible contributions. We hope you enjoy your well-deserved retirement and your new career as a grandma.

Please accept this Values in Action Award as a small token of our immense appreciation.”

