Visitor Information
Visiting Patients at Quinte Health
To protect our vulnerable patients, you must self-screen for symptoms of illness before visiting our hospitals.
Do you have cold symptoms, stomach flu or COVID symptoms? Have you had respiratory symptoms in the last 10 days, gastrointestinal symptoms in the last 48 hours, or been exposed to someone with COVID in the last 10 days?
If yes to any, do not enter our hospitals unless you are seeking emergency care. If you have an appointment, but feel unwell, please call the appropriate clinic for further instructions.
Do not visit patients if you have any symptoms of illness.
Effective September 3rd, 2024, as we re-enter respiratory illness season, medical masks are required in patient-facing areas such as emergency departments, clinics, waiting rooms, diagnostic imaging and inpatient units (including while visiting patients in their rooms). Masks are available at entrances.
Masks are not required in non-patient care areas (e.g. offices, hallways, washrooms, lobbies, cafeterias, meeting rooms). Please consider your vulnerabilities and level of comfort when deciding whether or not to mask in these common areas. Your decision to continue masking will be supported and respected.
We will likely take a step back from mandatory masking in clinical areas again in spring 2025.
Visiting Policy
As we balance the need for safety, with the important role care partners play, we continue to have some limitations on care partner and visitor access at this time. Please be sure the patient you wish to visit is expecting you.
In most circumstances, patients are limited to two (2) care partners/visitors at a time.
Please note:
- Emergency Department (ED) patients are limited to one consistent care partner for the duration of their stay in the ED.
- The Maternal Child Unit has a separate visiting policy
- Visiting may be restricted if a patient is COVID positive, is considered at high risk of having COVID, or if an outbreak occurs.
Visiting hours are no longer limited to certain hours of the day, however, overnight support will be limited to one person and planned in coordination with the care team.
All care partners and visitors must:
- Be free of symptoms of illness.
- Complete hand hygiene frequently.
- Refrain from eating or drinking in the patient’s room.
Quinte Health will continue to monitor risk indicators and community prevalence and respond appropriately with heightened or reduced control measures, depending on what we’re seeing in our community.
Virtual Visits can be arranged between patients and loved ones.
Hospital entrances available for use:
Belleville General Hospital
- Main entrance – Charlotte Sills Wing (6 a.m. to 9 p.m., 7 days/week)
- Emergency Department entrance (24/7)
- WCA entrance (6 a.m. to 6 p.m., Mon-Fri) – locked on weekends
- Cancer Clinic Entrance (7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mon-Fri) – only available for Cancer Clinic patients/caregivers
Trenton Memorial Hospital
- Emergency Department entrance (24/7)
- Main entrance (7 a.m. to 9 p.m., 7 days/week)
Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital
- Emergency Department entrance (24/7)
- Main entrance (7 a.m. to 5 p.m., 7 days/week)
North Hastings Hospital
- Main entrance (7 a.m. to 9 p.m., 7 days/week. Ambulance entrance after hours)