Cancer Care
Dr. Douglas A. MacIntosh Cancer Clinic
Quinte Health’s Dr. Douglas A. MacIntosh Cancer Clinic is located at Belleville General Hospital and serves patients across our many communities.
Patient care services provided at the Dr. Douglas A. MacIntosh Cancer Clinic include diagnosis, care planning, treatment, follow-up, emotional support, and pain and symptom management.
Cancer treatment at the clinic consists of chemotherapy and biotherapy (immunotherapy). Supportive care therapies are also provided, such as blood transfusions.
Patients that may require radiation treatment will be referred to a regional cancer program. The team works closely with the patient/family to help navigate the cancer system locally and regionally.
Our patients are cared for by a dedicated health care team, including a medical oncologist (cancer specialist), pharmacists, registered nurses, social workers, registered dietitians, volunteers, and a pain and symptom management nurse consultant.
Quinte Health is a proud partner of Cancer Care Ontario and an affiliate of the Cancer Centre of South Eastern Ontario.
Our Medical Oncologists

Dr. Roger Lévesque, MD., FRCPC
Internal Medicine, Oncology, Hematology

Dr. Janarthanan Kankesan, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Medical Oncology

Dr. Negar Chooback, MD, FRCPC
Medical Oncology

Dr. Yolanda Madarnas, MD, FRCPC
Medical Oncology

Dr. Julie Bryson, MD, CCFP
General Practitioner Oncology