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The Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Response Program (DVSARP) at Quinte Health is led by a coordinator with an obvious passion and commitment for the victims she and her colleagues serve.  Rachael Fraser has been part of the DVSARP team for 17 years and fosters a collaborative, victim-centred approach to navigating the complexities of these sensitive cases—prioritizing the well-being and safety of those affected by domestic violence and sexual assault.  

President and CEO Stacey Daub recently spent time with Rachael and was particularly inspired by Rachael’s collaborative leadership and the well-developed community relationships she has created both inside and outside the walls of Quinte Health including with medical professionals, women’s shelters, sexual assault centres, mental health services, other hospitals, and law enforcement. 

“She intuitively lives our aspirations of care, compassion and connection,” explained Stacey.  “This collaborative approach ensures that victims receive the best care possible to help address both the immediate and long-term effects of trauma. This work is of critical importance to our communities, and I couldn’t be prouder of the DVSARP team.”

