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Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and Quinte Health have prequalified four companies to deliver the Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital site redevelopment project.

Companies were prequalified based on criteria identified in a request for qualifications process that began in March 2023. Selection criteria included the required construction experience applicable to this project, as well as the financial capacity to deliver a project of this size and complexity. The prequalified companies are:

  • Ledcor Construction Limited
  • M. Sullivan & Son Limited
  • Pomerleau Inc.
  • Quinte Care Partners

A request for proposals (RFP) is expected to be issued to these prequalified companies later this year. Once submissions are received, IO and Quinte Health will evaluate the proposals, select a preferred company and then negotiate a final contract. The successful company is expected to be announced in spring of 2024. A fairness monitor will oversee the entire procurement process.

More details about the project are available here.