Moments That Count – Day Surgery Shoutout
Even though my stay as a patient was very brief, to see their kindness in action and to hear them speak in such comforting tones was very reassuring. With the number of patients they must see in a single day, that process to pass on information and answer questions could undoubtedly become routine and mechanical for some. But it did not happen here.
I think they must really understand, and remember, that being on the receiving end of that communication, hearing it for the first time, means so very much. We know little about what is going to happen, how a procedure will feel and what the result will be. It is worrisome. The whole of the process can be a bit unsettling: registration and waiting, donning the gown and mounting the gurney, being wheeled into the examination room, the fog as anesthesia takes effect.
When it was over, however, I realized how much support I had been given all the way through. So many small gestures and acts of kindness: A warm blanket offered, peace of mind given about security for my wallet and phone, details of ongoing preparations, explanations from the doctor both before and after the procedure. These were all moments that made a difference, moments that really counted.
We are all becoming more aware of how health care workers in Canada have been challenged like never before in recent years. I want to give praise and credit where it is due, and just say “Thank You” for your hard work and dedication.” – Don Crenna